• Where is the money…?

    It feels a little weird not having to rush to a job every morning. It feels a little scary when i don’t see money coming in everyday. Don’t get me wrong I love not having to rush somewhere that I am not completely happy at. I love knowing no one…

  • My First Day…

    I’ve been so spoiled with new experiences at such a young age. So Friday was my first official day as a freelancer. I had a trial scheduled later on that day in Pennsylvania. I got to wake up at a decent time and slowly go on with my day. I…

  • The End…

    …to whatever chapter this seems to be in my life. Today was the last at the salon..it didn’t feel like I was leaving for most of the day. As it was getting closer to closing, it started to sink in. One of my co-workers said I was quitting because he…