Where To Find High Quality Stock Photos Sometimes it is hard to find great free Stock Photos you can use for your blog or business but I’ve done a little research for you. It is better to use free stock photos instead of using any random image from the internet.…
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The Benefits of Coconut Oil
First of all, I’ll let you know that I am a coconut oil fanatic & in fact after you finish reading this post, you will be one too! Coconut Oil has so many health & beauty benefits that more people should become aware of. I educate almost every client…
Ipsy – What is in the February 2017 Bag!
Hey Guys I am sharing this month’s Ipsy bag and I know I am not always on top of doing that. I just get so excited when I get them in the mail that I start using them right away. In the Ipsy Bag 1.Promise Organic Nourishing Coconut Milk Daily…
Shop on A Budget – Tips on How To Save Money Shopping
I can be bit of a shopping addict sometimes. I wish I knew what I know now so that I could have saved tons of money. Shopping on a budget isn’t easy but it is worth it. Let me show you how to shop and save money at the same…
The Power of A Vision Board – The Secret
Have you ever read the book, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne? First of all, if you haven’t read The Secret please go get the book right now! In fact you can go check out The Secret here and then come back to finish reading this post. My father gave me…