Well, how about we start with what an empath really is. We are highly sensitive people who tend to absorb the energy around us whether it’s positive or negative. Research has shown us that at least 20% of the world population are empaths. In this post, you’ll find out how much of an empath you are.

The Self -Assessment
As you go along with the following questions just count how many times you answer yes.
- Have I ever been labeled overly sensitive, shy, or introverted.?
- Do I frequently get overwhelmed or anxious?
- Do arguments and yelling make me ill?
- Do I often feel like I don’t fit in?
- Do crowds drain me, and do I need alone time to revive myself?
- Do noise, odors, or nonstop talkers overwhelm me?
- Do I have chemical sensitivities or a low tolerance for scratchy clothes?
- Do I prefer taking my own car to places so that I can leave early if I need to?
- Do I overeat to cope with stress?
- Am I afraid of becoming suffocated by intimate relationships?
- Do I startle easily?
- Do I react strongly to caffeine or medications?
- Do I have a low threshold for pain?
- Do I tend to socially isolate?
- Do I absorb other people’s stress, emotions, or symptoms?
- Am I overwhelmed by multitasking, and do I prefer to do one thing at a time?
- Do I replenish myself in nature?
- Do I need a long time to recuperate after being with people who a re difficult or energy vampires?
- Do I feel better in small towns or the country rather than large cities?
- Do I prefer one to one interactions and small groups to large gatherings?
Ok so if you answered yes to 1-5 questions you are partially an empath.
If you answered yes to 6-10 questions, you have moderate empath tendencies.
If you answered yes to 11-15 questions, you have a strong empath tendencies.
If you answered yes to over 15 questions then you are a full blown empath!!
How do I deal with being an Empath?
It is so important for us to cleanse ourselves energetically. One of the things you can do as an empath is a powerful visual meditation. Just get quiet, close your eyes and imagine a beautiful white light entering your body through the top of your head/crown chakra. Imagine your body bathing in this white light as it cleanses you. Let this loving energy cleanse any energy you absorbed that isn’t yours and let it release through the bottom of your feet. This exercise allows you feel grounded and release energy that doesn’t belong to you!
You can also burn sage, palo santo, or use Florida water to cleanse energy. Sage sticks with rose petals are very powerful to use and theres some pretty ones you can get here. There is also an amazing beautiful book, “The Empath’s Survival Guide” by Judith Orloff . I truly recommend this and I remember wishing I had come across this book sooner because it was truly life-changing.
If you experience anxiety as an empath another post thats really good to read is Natural Ways To Reduce Anxiety.