As empaths it’s extremely important that we are more careful with our self-care for our overall wellbeing. We are much more sensitive than the average population and that is actually a superpower. However, because of this superpower we really need to protect ourselves since we are more susceptible to burn out, fatigue, anxiety, physcial pain and absoring negative energy that isn’t even ours.

Empath Protection
Eat Veggies & Fruits – Avoid processed foods and sugars, no junk food! You are more sensitive to chemicals. You’d be amazed how different you feel by eating an organic green lifestyle…and no I’m not telling you to go vegetarian.
Move Your Body – Exercise, dance, go for a run, do some yoga. Whatever you do just move your body to release any negative energy. Running releases endorphins which help with anxiety.
Meditate – You will always feel more centered and grounded when you incorporate some form of meditation in your daily practice.
Sleep – You need an adequate amount of rest so that you can heal. I am never myself without the proper sleep my body needs. I know in this society we don’t value sleep and waking up at 5am is rewarded and praised. Everyone’s body is different, you need the sleep that your body needs. You are an empath! If you are having trouble sleeping here is my post on overcoming insomnia.
Get Rid of Toxic People – Or at least limit contact with them to protect yourself. These people tend to be energy vampires who leave you drained, exhausted and possibly even confused.
Make Boundaries and Stick to them – You need very clear boundaries and you must honor them. If someone continues to violate boundaries…it may be time for some cord cutting and just removing them from your life completely.
Epsom Salt Detox Bath – A 30 minute epsom salt bath allows your body to release toxicity. It’s very helpful in cleansing your aura and relaxing and soothing you. You can even poor some lavender sprigs or rose petals in your bath. Allow yourself to get creative, poor a few drops of essential oil even. Light some candles, play a guided meditation.
Bubble Immersion – Imagine a beautiful white light beginning from the top of your heard/crown chakra, forming a bubble around you. Breathe in this beautiful white light…you are safe.