Teaching - Uncategorized


It felt different walking through these hallways again. Walking through the doors of my highschool which I graduated from 2 years ago to teach 2 airbrush makeup classes. Teachers recognized me and it was nice. It felt wonderful for people to take pride in me and seeing how far I’ve come.

Coming back to this school and teaching the Cosmetology class is something that I always wanted to do. It was a goal that I set for myself this year and I’m so happy that I met it.

It was a little disappointing to have half a class full of students that could care less about the art of beauty; people who have no passion for this industry at all. At least the girls who wanted to take this career seriously had front row seats. I was grateful to have the time to give them my full attention and give them hands-on training.

My teacher did give me the idea of creating my own makeup line. I have thought of it before but never really went through with it. Now I think it’s time to take action.

I want to be a woman of action!

Btw ..a blog I found which is truly amazing.
