
Bad girl…

I quit my job at the end of May thinking I was completely going to dedicate myself to being a freelance makeup artist..but honestly I’ve just been kicking back & enjoying the summer.

Especially because I have an awesome boss who finds us all these awesome bridal gigs..so all I have to do is show up…paint faces…get money…go home. I should be working hard on marketing myself & finding clients on my own …but I’ve been a bad girl.

I haven’t even been building my portfolio…instead I’m creating a Bath Bomb Company lol

I don’t know what inspired me to do this but I was bored & started making bath bombs & it felt so therapeutic to make these & it feels nice to be creative in a different way.

So heres the shop lol


Our Instagram:


I’ve also been making bath salts soaks, body scrubs, bath melts & about to make soap <3
