At one point I thought my job was just superficial. & then I realized I have the privilege to be a part of someone’s special day. I have the opportunity to make her feel special & beautiful. I get to travel to all these different places & states…
Bad girl…
I quit my job at the end of May thinking I was completely going to dedicate myself to being a freelance makeup artist..but honestly I’ve just been kicking back & enjoying the summer. Especially because I have an awesome boss who finds us all these awesome bridal all I…
Graduation. Everywhere I went..people were criticized to the point of no return…in my head. Everywhere I went…I had to give everyone a makeover…in my head. There was always something wrong….sometimes rarely there still is. But yesterday I realized my perspective has changed for a long time. I feel like I’m…
My First Day…
I’ve been so spoiled with new experiences at such a young age. So Friday was my first official day as a freelancer. I had a trial scheduled later on that day in Pennsylvania. I got to wake up at a decent time and slowly go on with my day. I…
The End…
…to whatever chapter this seems to be in my life. Today was the last at the didn’t feel like I was leaving for most of the day. As it was getting closer to closing, it started to sink in. One of my co-workers said I was quitting because he…